:π Add Prospects to Your CRM from the ChiliCal Scheduler -
Help ArticleBookers can add prospects to the CRM directly from the scheduler.
- The user needs to click the icon next to the guest's name OR the "Add to CRM" link in the left-hand-side panel of Handoff.
- If a guest is already in the CRM, we will show a different icon. The user can then check the information in the CRM from that guest. This is view-only and cannot be modified (yet) from here.
- Once they click, they can add the prospect as a Contact (Hubspot and Salesforce) or as a Lead (Salesforce)
- First Name, Last name, and Company/Account names are required fields.
For Example
- Properly route the prospects
Since the routing rules are based on CRM only for Handoff, adding the guest to the CRM from the scheduler saves the reps a lot of time compared to manually adding it from SFDC/Hubspot.
- Double-check or change routing data
Reps can troubleshoot the data used to route a lead or contact by checking it from the Scheduler panel. If something is wrong, they can change the information directly from there and correct the routing.
- Perform the proper CRM Actions
For many companies, correctly storing all information in the CRM is crucial. Including the prospect in the CRM guarantees that Chili Piper will take all the necessary actions to maintain a clean, organized CRM.
Form Concierge
:π Update Ownership Node on paths with Ownership Assignment Algorithm
This allows you to still update ownership even when you are routing based on ownership. For example, you can solve the case where your rule is centered around looking at the Account Ownership you want to update the ownership of the lead/contact in routing to the Account Owner.

π Meeting Distribution History -
Help ArticleYou can access it through Distribution Reporting by clicking on a Distribution and going to the Distribution History tab. You can now filter the events by Timeline, Event Type (such as Meeting Rescheduled, User added to team), and User.
This is useful when you want to drill down into specific meetings that happened in a distribution. Often, admins wonder where a certain reassignment came from. Now, they can see a log of all the history connected to the Distribution.

: π Include the Router Name in Distro Slack Notifications
When you receive a Slack notification that a record has been assigned to you, you can now see which router triggered it. This is helpful for understanding where your leads are coming from. For example, if you have an Engage Event Router and an E-book download Router - leads routed to you - you can now easily see the difference in the notification.

π Use Working Hours for Primary Assignment
Under the assign and update ownership node, you can now toggle on Assign during working hours. This takes into account each assignee's working hours based on MyApp working hours.
For example, if you upload their event leads for Distro to route on the weekend, but they don't want to notify the assignees until they are in their working hours, this ensures that routes are only assigned to the user during their working hours.

π Matching Hub: Advanced Tie-Breakers (Available For Entire Platform)
We have added more options beyond is maximum and is minimum. You have access to all the fields and operators like you do in rules. For example, you can do the Number of employees greater than 100, and this can be prioritized first. This enables much flexibility in your tiebreaking options!