πŸš€ Strict Ownership Queues
A new option has been added within the "Meeting Queues" β†’ "Algorithm" settings to make Ownership Queues, when booking a meeting into a Queue thru the Chrome Extension, "Strict".
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This update prevents a Booker from hand-picking an Assignee in an ownership queue and are restricted just to the "matched" owner. ie Existing Account/Contact/Lead Owner.
![image (57)]
πŸš€ Prevent a User from Booking a Meeting into a "non-matching" Queue
Within the "Workspace Settings" tab in a "Handoff" workspace, a new setting has been added to Allow/Prevent users from booking a meeting into a non-matching queue.
By default, the setting is Checked, which aligns with the previous behavior. In this case, a Booker is able to choose which to Queue to book into, even if that Queue does not match queue rules.
If the new setting is Unchecked, then the Non-matching queues are hidden from the Handoff Router.
Note: Both features mentioned above can be used together to enforce desired rep behavior when Booking meetings.
πŸš€ Lead Conversion Node
Automatically convert a lead in Distro. This node only appears when you have the trigger on the lead object. For some companies at the point of being routed, they would also like the lead to be converted to a contact and attached to an account and or create an opportunity. Explanation included in the settings!
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πŸš€ Close & Delete Button + Warning Pop-up