Admin Center
:π New to Fire: Admin Editable Personal Details
- Support ArticleAdmins can edit personal details directly from the User Management table by clicking the open button next to the user's name
- All Personal details, including name, title, phone, conference details, and location, can be edited.
- All end-user slugs/unique URLs are now not editable by default. Admins can toggle on whether end users should have the ability to make edits to these.
- Availability schedules can be edited.
- New availability schedules can be created
π New to Fire: In-App Support Resources
- View Updates: see the latest product updates from Chili Piper
- Get Help: links directly to the Demand Conversion Platform page for Chili Hub
- Suggest a Feature: customers can request features directly in UserVoice

π New to Fire: Edge API
- Support ArticleIs a series of endpoints admins can use to create either one-off requests or automated actions. Tasks range from Removing Users from Workspaces to Canceling a Meeting.
The differences from Legacy include:
- Admins can generate tokens directly in-app
- You can see what it was last accessed, when it was created, and who created it
- You can select what permissions you want each token to have
:π Booker Notifications -
Support ArticleBookers are now notified by email when a meeting they Booked is β Booked (by the prospect - through suggested times or a link, for example)
- Reassigned
- Rescheduled
- Canceled

π Host Booking Limit
- Support ArticleHost booking limits are used when you want to set a cap on the number of meetings a given Host can take. Both admins and end users can set host booking limits. Admins can do it through the scheduling links section, and end users can do it through advanced settings in the meeting type.
Use Case: An AE can have a limit of 5 demos per day, and when the SDR sends out a link, the availability for that day will not be displayed anymore.
π Display Timezone to Prospects
- Support ArticleYou can now define what timezone will be displayed in the link sent to a prospect. End-Users can set this through Advanced Settings of a Meeting Yype and admins through Meeting Types -> Availability Settings -> Overwrite host's default schedule -> Overwrite host's default timezone -> Display this timezone to guests.
Use case: If you have an upcoming event and you want to send out times in the event's timezone, say NYC timezone. This setting allows Users booking to know the meeting will be in this timezone at the event and prevents any errors with missed meetings because of timezone confusion.

π Ownership Links
- Support ArticleOwnership links are links that check for ownership conditions first and then can fall back to a Round-Robin distribution if no owner is found. They are our new Ownership queues from legacy, with the difference that you can set any Round Robin distribution you want as a fallback - it doesn't have to be related to the team used to check for Ownership.
This can only be created by Admins from the Scheduling Links section in ChiliCal.
- ChiliCal-only organizations have a different setup. They cannot use rules and have to instead choose if we should check for Contact/Lead/Account Ownership. See the video to learn more.
- Organizations with rules can use custom Ownership Rules
Key differences from Legacy:
- You can set a Fallback Team that can be different from the Ownership Team if Ownership Rules do not match
- Currently, you need to add the smart parameters like ID to connect
π Update to Availability Location in 'My App'
- Support Article- We removed "My Availability" from the Home view.
- We renamed it "Availability"
- There are now Default (previous Working Hours) and Custom Schedules, divided into two tabs. The Default is always showing the availability without the need to click on a card. Itβs the default view when clicking on the availability. Custom Schedules you need to click on specific cards.
- *When a Meeting Type is already part of a Custom Schedule (default does not apply), we show a tooltip and ask for confirmation to apply it to another Custom Schedule
- *The Default Schedule now has the Meeting Types associated with it listed. They cannot be removed from there unless assigned to a Custom Schedule or if an Admin changes the availability of a team Meeting Type.

:π Handoff Live
- Support Article Handoff Live is now integrated into Handoff. It is utilized by companies that require immediate transfer of a prospect from an SDR/BDR to an AE/Sales Person (or any other Handoff combination). We continue to prioritize Fairness and availability in Routing, but the main distinction is that if the next person in the Distribution is unavailable, we will assign the meeting to the next available individual (unless a Strict Round-Robin is in effect, in which case we route only to the next individual in line).
In the Flowbuilder, while creating a Handoff Router, you can choose Handoff Options following the selection of a Routing Rule. This will present two branches: one for Live and another for Later. When the Booker accesses the Scheduler and selects a path that has both Live and Later options, the system will default to the Live view.
What are the main differences between Hot Handoff (legacy) and Handoff Live?
- Bookers can switch from Live to Later view from within the Scheduler.
- No extra Extension button has been added for them to open Handoff Live vs. normal Handoff. It's all inside the same button. Please note that the Live options will only show up if they are using Schedule mode. Suggested times mode does not work for Live booking
- For Live bookings, Admins can set up a different Meeting Type, CRM Actions, etc, for Live booking vs. future booking. It's customizable.
- Admins can decide if Bookers can book with unavailable reps or not
Form Concierge
:π Concierge Analytics
- Support ArticleBasic analytics are available! You can filter by Router and timeframe, showing the number of submissions, times the calendar was displayed, and meetings scheduled.

π Ability to Group Distributions with Teams
- Support ArticleWe now have the ability to group Distributions with Teams to update users' levels when they receive a meeting through an Ownership path. You can Group Distribution with any Team that exists in the Workspace and every time a Team member receives a meeting through an Ownership path; their level will be updated in the Group. To use this, you create a Group, add a Distribution, add a Team, and save!
UseCase: Often, you have Ownership Routing set up and other Distributions, which allows you to group Ownership and Distributions together. For example, if an SDR has reached out to an Account before, they will be listed as the SDR working. If this same Account comes inbound, it will be routed through Ownership based on this field. When this happens, we want this SDR to also get a meeting counted in our Non-Ownership Distribution to keep everything fair.
:π Discard Journey Changes Since the Last Published Version
You can now 'undo' all of your changes with the Discard Unpublished Changes button nested in the ... actions menu to revert to the last published version

π Chat UI Improvements
Sleeker-looking Chat widget


: π Rule Improvements
- Date Selection - Date selection (both custom and specific) has been improved and aligned with similar patterns used elsewhere.
- Condition Field Width - To improve clarity, weβve narrowed the Value input field, creating more space for Fields and Operators.
- Improved Object Selection: When adding a new condition, an empty condition now appears by default, eliminating the need to select the Condition Source manually. The Object field now includes all available Objects in one place (CP Data, SFDC, HS). Additionally, the icon placement was adjusted to provide more room for field values.
- ON/AND Operator EnhancementsβSmooth animation and hover interaction have been added to improve user engagement and make additional operator options more discoverable.